Guidelines for Authors
The guidelines are also available on a pdf. format - see below.
The editorial committee selects at least two reviewers, who must be among leading experts in the relevant field, to review the article according to the procedures listed below. It is a double-blind peer review, where the identities of authors and reviewers are kept hidden. First and foremost, the editorial board goes by the conclusions of peer reviewers when assessing whether to publish an article, but when peer reviewers disagree with their conclusion, the editorial board makes the final decision. The Journal adheres to the Publication code of conduct as set out by the Committee on Publication Ethics, COPE.
Preparation of Manuscripts
The presentation of the material should be in accordance with practices followed by reputable foreign scientific journals. The APA Style should be used in the presentation of the material, such as in preparing the bibliography, references, tables and pictures, chapter headings, and regarding the length of citations. The style and format of the article must be exemplary. For more information on the APA style please refer to:
The title of the article shall be listed at the top of the document, both in English and Icelandic. It must be short and descriptive of the article's content. Below the title, please list the authors' names, their workplace, address, both in English and Icelandic, and the email address of the author who is to be contacted regarding the article's content. The journal will provide guidance to the author if Icelandic is not their first language. All sections and sub-sections shall be numbered. When symbols and abbreviations are used, they must be explained as soon as they appear. Symbols for physical properties shall be in accordance with the Commission for Symbols, Units, and Nomenclature of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. Numbers must be expressed in SI units – the International System of Units – and decimal commas should be used.
The article must be either in Icelandic or English. An excerpt of the article (the abstract), no more than 300 words, should follow the author name/s and affiliations. It should be in English as well as Icelandic (each version no more than 300 words).
The manuscript must initially be submitted in a single document, containing all the required information – the text of the article, images, captions, tables and their captions, and bibliography. As a general rule, the maximum length should be 20 pages, including pictures and tables. The font to be used is 12-point Times Roman, with double spacing.
At the end of the article, before the references, collate a separate section: "Acknowledgments," where research grants are listed, access to data, and other provided help during the research are acknowledged.
The excellent quality of images, accompanying the article, is important. Pictures and tables should be presented in a clear format, including explanatory notes.
Once an article has been approved by the journal, the author must submit a final manuscript and images in printable resolution.
For further information, see Guidelines for Reviewers and the Journal's Code of Conduct.
Preparation of Manuscripts: Checklist
Authors who submit a scholarly article and request its publication must ensure the following:
- The article being submitted is the author's original work.
- The article has not been submitted to other journals for review or publication.
- The article has not been previously published.
- All authors have seen and approved the manuscript and have agreed to its submission to the journal. If you are not sure as to who should be listed as a co-author or in the Acknowledgement section you can find out more on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (
- Any conflicts of interest should be declared on submission.
- All sources used in writing the article are cited, be they studies, other projects, or academic articles.
- Permission has been obtained for the use of statistical data or other sources that may be subject to copyright.
- Information has been provided regarding all sponsorships or funds provided for the relevant research, or during the writing of the article.
- Any suggested reviewers do not
have a conflict of interest.
Publication Format
Once an article has been published on the journal's website and/or in printed form, it will not be changed. Authors and readers can, however, submit comments to the editorial board and request corrections of mistakes made by the author (Corrigendum) or errors made during the publication process (Erratum).
Open Access
Journal is committed to both sustainable and high-quality open-access
articles accepted are published on the journal's website as soon as they are
ready for publication, free-at-the-point of reading (Green Open Access).
Copyright and License
- Authors own the copyright to their manuscript and the article's final version. Regarding copyright transfer, please see below.
- Authors grant the Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland an irrevocable license to publish the article in electronic or printed form and identify themselves as the original publisher after the final proofs have been approved.
- Authors grant The Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland commercial rights to produce a printed volume of the magazine for sale to libraries and individuals.
- Once the final proof has been approved, the authors grant the third party the right to use the article as long as its original authors and citation information are identified.
- The article is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License ( Unless otherwise stated, related material is distributed with the same
Accordingly, the author is free to: - Share – copy and distribute the content in any format or medium.
- Customize – recycle, convert, and
build on the material for any purpose, even for a fee.
However, under the following conditions: - Reference: The author must provide the appropriate referrals, provide a link to the license, and report any changes that have been made. You may do so reasonably but not in a way that indicates that the licensor supports you or your use of the material.
- No Further Restrictions: The
author may not impose legal or technical barriers that could prevent others
from using it following what the license allows.