About the Journal

Verktækni // Icelandic Journal of Engineering

ISSN:1670-7362; e-ISSN:2772-1086

The Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland (VFÍ) publishes Verktækni // Icelandic Journal of Engineering. The journal contains peer-reviewed scholarly articles, and preparations are underway to have the journal indexed in the Scopus database — a goal demonstrating the determination of VFÍ to publish academic articles adhering to good and recognized scientific principles.

The first issue of Verktækni // Icelandic Journal of Engineering — was published in September 2013. The journal included peer-reviewed articles, general technical and scientific articles, and other material. Since the end of 2019, the emphasis has been on online publications and peer-reviewed academic articles. The journal aims to attain recognition as a first-class international journal, being indexed in both Scopus and the International Scientific Indexing (ISI).

The current publication schedule includes one printed issue per year, with peer-reviewed articles published online as soon as the have been approved. 

No fees or charges are required for manuscript processing and publishing, and the journal has an open-access status. PDFs for each article can be downloaded free of charge from the website.

Since 2019, the advertising policy for the journal has been to have no adverts. 

Since 2013, all published peer-reviewed articles have a DOI number.

Our history

The Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland was founded in 1912. Since its foundation, publication has been essential to its professional work. The publication of scientific articles began in 1916 with Tímarit Verkfræðingafélag Íslands, spanning 70 volumes till 1985. Subsequently, the Association's yearbook, Árbók VFÍ/TFÍ, continued the tradition with 23 volumes. In addition, from 1995 until 2013, a newsletter Verktækni was published parallel to the yearbook up to 12 times a year. Then, the first issue of Verktækni, containing peer-reviewed scholarly articles, was published in September 2013, replacing the Association’s Yearbook. The proper title of the journal is Verktækni, but since 2013, it has a parallel English title: Icelandic Journal of Engineering. Both titles are registered in the ISSN database. The journal primarily focuses on publishing peer-reviewed academic articles, with occasional publication of non-peer-reviewed material clearly marked as such. The goal is for Verktækni // Icelandic Journal of Engineering to become an established international scholarly journal.

All publications published by the Association of Chartered Engineers can be accessed at www.timarit.is.

Editorial Board

The editorial board is responsible for the publication of the journal and for upholding professional standards in accordance with the publisher's policy.
Dr. Bjarni Bessason, editor-in-chief, University of Iceland. - Earthquake engineering, structural engineering.
Dr. Helgi Þór Ingason , Reykjavík University. - Engineering management, project management, quality management.
Dr. Kristinn Andersen, University of Iceland. - Electrical and electronics engineering. Industrial automation, robotics, sensors, computer vision, control theory, information technology, and applied AI.
Dr. María S. Guðjónsdóttir, Reykjavík University. - Geothermal utilization, energy engineering.

The editorial representative oversees the publication and communicates with authors and reviewers.
 Sigrún S. Hafstein, Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland.

Open Access and Publications

The Journal is committed to both sustainable and high-quality open-access publishing. Since 2020, all academic articles accepted have been published on the journal's website as soon as they are ready for publication, free at the point of reading (Green Open Access).  A printed issue is published at the end of every calendar year, containing articles published that year. Submitting manuscripts and open-access publications is free for authors. Printed issues can be ordered at the VFÍ office. Articles intended for publication in the current year must be submitted to the editorial representative by September 30. Since 2021, the journal's website is in Icelandic and English.

Digital preservation

The journal content is digitally preserved on Timarit.is. This is a not-for-profit service committed to the long-term preservation of digital content, providing access to the printed cultural heritage preserved in newspapers and periodicals of the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland. The access is open to everyone, and the material is made available using the latest information technology methods. By archiving all published content, the Journal is ensuring that all content remains accessible to future scholars around the world.


Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland (ID number: 680269-6299), Engjateigur 9, 108 Reykjavík. 

The Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland (VFÍ) was founded in 1912. It is a professional and trade union of chartered engineers and engineers. The association is Iceland's largest and most influential association of people with technical education.

The Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland reserves the right to publish and store the journal's content in electronic format, including online. Articles may not be reproduced in any way, either in part or in whole, without permission.

ISSN: electronic edition: 2772-1086; printed version: 1670-7362.

More about copyright and license

  • Authors own the copyright to their manuscript and the article's final version. Regarding copyright transfer, please see below.
  • Authors grant the Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland an irrevocable license to publish the article in electronic or printed form and identify themselves as the original publisher after the final proofs have been approved.
  • Authors grant The Association of Chartered Engineers in Iceland commercial rights to produce a printed volume of the magazine for sale to libraries and individuals. 
  • Once the final proof has been approved, the authors grant the third party the right to use the article as long as its original authors and citation information are identified. 
  • The article is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
    (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).   Unless otherwise stated, related material is distributed with the same permission.

Accordingly, you are free to:
Share - copy and distribute the content in any format or medium.
Customize - recycle, convert, and build on the material for any purpose, even for a fee.
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Reference: The author must provide the appropriate referrals, provide a link to the license, and report any changes that have been made. You may do so reasonably but not in a way that indicates that the licensor supports you or your use of the material.

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- The author may not impose legal or technical barriers that could prevent others from using it following what the license allows.